The Reception of American Pragmatism in Europe Conference at the University of St. Gall, Dufourstrasse 50, 9000 St. Gall 6th to 8th of June 2019;…

Bavarian School of Public Policy at the Technical University of Munich July 24th – 26th 2019 Invited speakers include: Paula Irene Villa (München), Regina…

It is a common assumption that at least until the middle of the 20th century philosophical exchange between Europe and North-America has merely been…

The John Dewey Society calls for paper proposals for its panel on Dewey and Philosophy to be held at its annual meeting in conjunction with…

A book about John Lachs has just been published by Brill. Its title is John Lachs’s Practical Philosophy: Critical Essays on His Thought with Replies…

Paris, December 4-5 2013. Prof. Mathias Girel (ENS) and Prof. Barbara Formis (Paris 1) organize this two-days discussion about art, creativity and their social…

The international conference “Normativity and Contingency: Psychoanalytic and Philosophical Approaches” will be held in Nijmegen (Netherlands) on November 5-6 and in Gent (Belgium) on November 7-8….

Cagliari, Italy, 17 -19 October 2013. The three-day conference “George H. Mead filosofo e sociologo, nel centocinquantenario della nascita” will be held at Università degli…