Online (Zoom), April 8-9, 2022. Organized by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, part…

University of Barcelona, 5 November 2021. Convenors: Núria Sara Miras (UB) and Just Serrano (RUG) November 5, 2021Sala Jane Addams Facultat de Filosofia, Universitat de…

Special issue edited by Leonard Waks, Hangzhou Normal University; Liz Jackson, Education University of Hong Kong; and Sophie Ward, University of Durham Scheduled for publication…

The Richard Rorty Society invites papers on the topic of “Richard Rorty’s Anti-Authoritarianism” from current and recent graduate students (within three years of receiving their…

University of Cambridge, 11-12 October 2021 Keynote speakers: Prof. Cheryl Misak (University of Toronto) and Prof. Hasok Chang (University of Cambridge) We invite submissions of…

The Peirce Research Group in Milan (Italy) announces the new website wholly dedicated to Peirce: www.peirce.unimi.it. This is the first research center in Italy dedicated to Peirce…

Organized by Università degli Studi di Milano, Spring 2021. The Università degli Studi di Milano organizes an international series of open online lectures on pragmatist…

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fourth European Pragmatism Conference, originally scheduled to take place in London in 2021, has been postponed to 3-5 August 2022…

Naoko Saito has published a new book, American Philosophy in Translation (London: Rowman & Littlefield, October 2019). Exploring the possibilities of American philosophy from the…

Orpheus Institute (Ghent, BE). 13-14 February 2020. “Truth happens to an idea.” So wrote William James in 1907; and he continued “[truth] becomes true, is made true by events.” James was…