Pragmata - New French Pragmatism Association

Pragmata – New French Pragmatism Association

A pragmatist association called Pragmata has been launched. Its aim is to gather all French scholars (and in the future all French speaking scholars) with…

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Catégories du Pragmatisme (French)

Catégories du Pragmatisme (French)

Seminars in Paris and Lyon, France, 2014-2015. Responsabilité et organisation : Roberto Frega (EHESS), Claude Gautier (ENS de Lyon), Mathias Girel (ENS de Paris), Stéphane…

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Conference: Filosofia del Linguaggio, Semiotica, e Filosofia della Mente (Italian)

Conference: Filosofia del Linguaggio, Semiotica, e Filosofia della Mente (Italian)

– A partire da C. S. Peirce nei cento anni dalla morte. Università di Bologna, 2-4 October 2014. The Italian Society for the Philosophy of…

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CFP: Second European Pragmatism Conference

CFP: Second European Pragmatism Conference

Paris, France, 9-11 September 2015. PRAGMATA (Association française d’études pragmatistes) is pleased to announce the Second European Pragmatist Conference. The conference is organized in partnership with…

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The Richard Rorty Society

The Richard Rorty Society

Founded in May 2014, the Richard Rorty Society (RRS) aims to promote study of the work and life of Richard Rorty (1931-2007), and to encourage…

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CfA: Doctoral School, Università degli Studi di Milano

CfA: Doctoral School, Università degli Studi di Milano

PhD courses and fellowships are now open at the Doctoral School of Philosophy and Human Sciences at the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. For…

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CFP: 4th Swedish Pragmatism Colloquium on Education

CFP: 4th Swedish Pragmatism Colloquium on Education

Uppsala University, Sweden, 30-31 October The registration deadline is 15th of October. If you want to present a paper, send your title and your abstract…

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CFP: Peirce Prague Conference

CFP: Peirce Prague Conference

Peirce Prague Conference 2014. 100 Years of Modern Semiotics: Limits and Perspectives on Peirce’s Theory of Signs Prague, Czech Republic, 1- 2 November 2014 Introduction:…

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Lectures: Robert Brandom: Analytic Pragmatism, Expressivism and Modality

Lectures: Robert Brandom: Analytic Pragmatism, Expressivism and Modality

  “Analytic Pragmatism, Expressivism and Modality”, the third Nordic Lectures in Pragmatism. Helsinki, Finland, 30 September – 2 October 2014. Robert B. Brandom (University of…

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Conference: Philosophy, Literature, America

Conference: Philosophy, Literature, America

Dublin, Ireland, 30-31 May 2014. The American Voice in Philosophy project organizes its third major even in late May. For more information, see the conference…

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