CFP: Second European Pragmatism Conference

Paris, France, 9-11 September 2015.

PRAGMATA (Association française d’études pragmatistes) is pleased to announce the Second European Pragmatist Conference.

The conference is organized in partnership with The European Pragmatism Association, The Nordic Pragmatism Network, PRAGMA (Associazione Italiana di studi pragmatisti), and CEPF (Central European Pragmatist Forum).

The conference aims to advance our understanding of the relevance of pragmatism to contemporary debates in humanities, the social and the natural sciences as well as in communities of practice. Pragmatism is here broadly considered as a tradition of thought stemming from philosophy but now clearly present in a number of academic fields such as sociology, politics, art, physics, mathematics, anthropology, history, and literature.

The conference will be held in Paris, September 9th –11th, 2015. The Conference language will be English. Further information can be found on the conference homepage at

Call for panels

The submission period for thematic panels is now open. Contributions are expected to highlight both differences and convergences between pragmatism and other fields as well as new creative perspectives stemming from the background of pragmatism. Contributions are welcomed from any scholar or practitioner who has an interest in pragmatism and can relate its lines of philosophical thinking to either other philosophies or other disciplines.

The deadline for submissions is December 1st, 2014. Notification of acceptance will be sent out before January 31st, 2015. Proposals should be submitted following the guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines

Each panel should consist of 4 presentations, each of which lasting 35mn.

The submission should include an overall panel title, a general abstract providing a summary of the chosen theme, the name of the participants and an individual title and abstract for each of the presentations. Each abstract should range between 500 and 1000 words.

Multiple submissions are not allowed.

To facilitate the review process, in the submission procedure authors will be asked to indicate to which of the following sections the panel belongs:

  1. epistemology and metaphysics
  2. ethics and politics.
  3. art and aesthetics,
  4. social and political sciences
  5. natural sciences

Proposals should be submitted exclusively through the conference website using the specific submission procedure.

For more information on the conference, please visit the conference homepage at or contact one of the organizers: