European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 7:2

New issue: Volume 7, Number 2 (2015)


Symposia. John Dewey’s Lectures in Social and Political Philosophy (China)
Editors: Roberto Frega (CNRS-IMM, Paris), Roberto Gronda (Università di Pisa)

◊ R. Frega, R. Gronda, Introduction…5 (pdf)

◊ J. Dewey, Lectures in Social and Political Philosophy…7 (pdf)
◊ R. Gronda, What Does China Mean for Pragmatism? A Philosophical Interpretation of Dewey’s Sojourn in China (1919-1921)…45 (pdf)
◊ Y. C. Chiang, Appropriating Dewey: Hu Shi and His Translation of Dewey’s “Social and Philosophical Philosophy” Lectures Series in China...71 (pdf)
◊ R. Frega, John Dewey’s Social Philosophy: A Restatement…98 (pdf)


◊ A. Mendenhall, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. and the Darwinian Common Law Paradigm…129 (pdf)
◊ P. Olen, The Realist Challenge to Conceptual Pragmatism…152 (pdf)
◊ P. Giladi, A Critique of Rorty’s Conception of Pragmatism...168 (pdf)
◊ R. M. Calcaterra, Chance and Regularities. Remarks on Richard Rorty’s Contingentism...186 (pdf)

Let Me Tell You a Story: Heroes and Events of Pragmatism

◊ Interview with Charlene Haddock Seigfried by M. Bella and M. Santarelli…198 (pdf)
◊ Interview with Larry Hickman by M. Bella and M. Santarelli…209 (pdf)

Book Reviews

◊ A. Honnacker, Post-säkularer Liberalismus: Perspektiven auf Religion und Öffentlichkeit im Amschluss an William James, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2015 (reviewed by S. Pihlström)… 221 (pdf)
◊ J. S. Johnson, John Dewey’s Earlier Logical Theory, New York, SUNY Press, 2014 (reviewed by R. Gronda)…225 (pdf)
◊ T. Throntveit, Art and Morality: William James and the Quest for an Ethical Republic, London & New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2014 (reviewed by S. Marchetti)… 232 (pdf)