Lectures: Robert Brandom: Analytic Pragmatism, Expressivism and Modality

“Analytic Pragmatism, Expressivism and Modality”,
the third Nordic Lectures in Pragmatism.
Helsinki, Finland, 30 September – 2 October 2014.
Robert B. Brandom (University of Pittsburgh) will give the third Nordic Pragmatism Lectures at the University of Helsinki this autumn.
The lectures are organized by the Nordic Pragmatism Network and sponsored by the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, the research project Representationalism or Anti-Representationalism? (NTNU, Trondheim) and the research project Pragmatic Objectivity (University of Helsinki).
More information about the exact venues and schedules will be posted on the lectures webpage. Participants from other universities are required to enroll to the course by email.