New Title: Henrik Rydenfelt & Sami Pihlström (eds.): William James on Religion

New Title: Henrik Rydenfelt & Sami Pihlström (eds.): William James on Religion

(Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)

Sami Pihlström, one of the two editors, describes the book as follows:

“The volume provides a balanced overview of William James’s philosophy  of religion by contextualizing it both in his general pragmatist ideas  and the current situation in the philosophy of religion. The book is  intended both for James scholars and for non-specialists, including  students, who are interested in the philosophy of religion and want to  get an overview of what this classical figure thought about religious faith and experience. However, the contributions are not introductory but are also intended as crucial reference material for specialists on the philosophy of religion today. Accordingly, while several books on James have been published over the past few decades, there is no single book that would serve the same purpose as this volume. William James on Religion can, we may hope, be used as a text-book and/or further reading material in courses on modern philosophy of religion, pragmatism, and related topics.”

For more information, see the publisher’s website.