Re-reading J. Dewey and J. Tufts’s Ethics (Umass Boston) October 20-21st 2016 Organizers: Roberto Frega (IMM-CNRS) & Steven Levine (Boston UMB) Sponsored by the GDRI “Polinor”…

EJPAP is an online peer reviewed journal, publishing articles which explore the American tradition in philosophy, with a special focus on pragmatism and on the…

UNIVERSITY OF FLORENCE Department of Humanities – DILEF via Bolognese, 52, Firenze MONDAY MAY 30TH 2016 3.00 pm, sala conferenze Workshop WILLIAM JAMES: PHILOSOPHICAL CONNECTIONS…

Edited by Claude Gautier et Stéphane Madelrieux, French translation by Lucie Chataigné Pouteyo, Claude Gautier, Stéphane Madelrieux and Emmanuel Renault Collection Bibliothèque de Philosophie, Gallimard, May…

von Guido K. Tamponi Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2016, 302 pages This book is the first monograph in German dealing exclusively with F.C.S. Schiller, …

Paris: Vrin, 2016, 224 pages This book aims at giving Dewey his own medicine in order to get a comprehensive insight of his thought. To…

Lyon, France, February 19, 2014. A conference about pragmatism and politics with the participation of Alice Le Goff (Université Paris Descartes/Cerlis) and Roberto Frega (EHESS/Cems). The event…

Nancy, France, 8-11 September 2014 International Symposium “Goodman Today”, devoted to the work of Nelson Goodman. Call for papers: the organizers invite submissions (500-600 words), which…

Call for Applications Doctoral School in Philosophy and Human Sciences – University of Milan, Italy 6 PhD positions (5 scholarships) in Philosophy and Human Sciences…

Madrid, Spain, 3-4 December 2013. A conference on Richard Rorty will take place in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), organized by Centro de Estudios Dewey en España…